2016年9月24日 星期六

ハウトゥー世界征服 (How-to Sekai Seifuku) / World Domination How-To by Kagamine Rin Len

yellow: Kagamine Rin
orange: Kagamine Len
blue:     both


nakibeso bakka kaiten no wa dochirasama

Who’s the one making a crying face all the time?
笑われた分だけやり返せ warawareta bundake yarikaese Fight back as much as you were laughed at
今に見てろと ima ni mitero to Before long, you'll find the thing
手に取った物は te ni totta mono wa You've picked up is
爆弾やナイフなんて物じゃないけど bakudan ya naifu nante mon janai kedo Neither a bomb nor knife nor a weapon at all.
一切合切今後どうなったって約束しよう issai gassai kongo dou natta tte yakusoku shiyou Let’s promise no matter what from now on,
背中の値札を引き剥がせ senaka no nefuda o hikihagase That we'll tear off the price tags on our backs.
廃材みたいな haizai mitai na This everyday may be
毎日だけど mainichi dakedo Rotten and decayed,
捨てるのはまだ早いだろ suteru no wa mada hayai daro But it’s still too early to throw it away

今日も打ち震えながら kyou mo uchifurue nagara Today too, on the platform
終点駅のホームで shuuten eki no hoomu de Of the station’s last stop
明日の僕がまだ待っている ashita no boku ga mada matte iru Tomorrow’s me is still waiting,
わがままで鈍間な主のお迎えを wagamama de noroma na aruji no omukae o Trembling to welcome a dense, selfish master

どうせ幾年経って車が空飛べど douse ikunen tatte kuruma ga sora tobedo No matter whether years pass and cars can fly in the sky,
きっと何年経って機械が喋れども kitto nannen tatte kikai ga shaberedomo Even if years pass and machines can talk,
何だって言いたいんだ nandatte iitain da Whatever you want to say,
便利って言う前に benri tte iu mae ni Before you call it convenient,
心の傷口を治してくれ kokoro no kizuguchi o naoshite kure Please heal my wounded heart
あんな空でミサイルが飛ぶのなら anna sora de misairu ga tobu no nara If a missile flies in that sort of sky,
そんなもので幸せを乞うのなら sonna mono de shiawase o kou no nara And if I were to ask for happiness from such a thing,
優しい人にならなくちゃ yasashii hito ni naranakucha Then I have to become a kind person,
僕は僕を肯定していけるかな boku wa boku wo koutei shite ikeru kana I wonder if I can affirm myself…

頭を上げて前向けと言われても atama o agete mae muke to iwarete mo Even if I say I’ll raise my head and face forwards,
暗闇じゃ前もクソもないな kurayami ja mae mo kuso mo nai na In the dark, there's no "forward" or shit to find.
一人で居れど hitori de iredo Being alone,
二人で居れど futari de iredo Being with another person,
孤独は孤独に変わりゃしねえ kodoku wa kodoku ni kawarya shinee Loneliness won’t stop being loneliness.

死にたいとか shinitai toka Singing a song
そんな歌を歌って sonna uta o utatte About wanting to die.
またそれかと杭を打たれた mata sore ka to kui o butareta That again simply drove the stakes in further.
だけれども dakeredomo But even doing something like that
それ程の事しか sorehodo no koto shika Wasn't enough for you to see the words
口から溢れる言葉がどうしても見つからないや kuchi kara koboreru kotoba ga doushite mo mitsukaranai ya Peaking out from behind my lips. No matter what I do, they can’t be found.

今日の僕はまたこうして kyou no boku wa mata koushite This present me will again,
ゲーセンに吸い込まれる geesen ni suikomareru Just go lose himself at the arcade.
明日が来なければいいのにな ashita ga konakereba ii noni na It would be good if tomorrow didn’t come.
最終列車の汽笛が煩く鳴り響く saishuu ressha no kiteki ga urusaku narihibiku The final train’s whistle annoyingly resounds.

どうせ愛なんてって薄幸ぶって強がっても douse ai nante tte hakkou butte tsuyogatte mo Even if I pretend to be cold, calling things like love misfortune.
きっと本心じゃ疚しさに襲われて kitto honshin ja yamashisa ni osowarete My true feelings attack at my guilty conscience
どうだい doudai, "How are you?"
現状の僕は genjou no I ask the current me.
そうかい、 boku wa soukai, "Really, there’s
どうしようもないな doushiyou mo nai na Nothing I can do." He says.
うるさいなお前なんて大嫌いだ urusai na omae nante daikirai da I really hate that annoying part of me
あんな空でミサイルが飛ぶのなら anna sora de misairu ga tobu no nara If a missile flies in that sort of sky
そんなもので命が飛ぶのなら sonna mono de inochi ga tobu no nara And if such a thing were to make me feel alive
優しい人にならなくちゃ yasashii hito ni naranakucha Then I have to become a kind person,
僕は僕を肯定していたい boku wa boku wo koutei shite itai I want to reaffirm myself
優しい人にならなくちゃ yasashii hito ni naranakucha I have to become a kind person
心が悴む前に kokoro ga kajikamu mae ni Before my heart grows numb from the cold



Voice Mail by IU lyrics korea version [hangul+romanized+eng+chn]&japanese version[kanji+romaji+eng+chn]

korea version 韩文版: 어쩌면 아니길 바랬나 봐 eojjeomyeon anigil baraenna bwa 不知为何总是希望不是这样的 Maybe I hoped that it wouldn’t work out 얼마 전부터 밤낮으로 날 괴롭...